What is GoldSim?
GoldSim is a powerful and flexible platform for visualizing and dynamically simulating complex systems in engineering, science and business. In a sense, GoldSim is like a "visual spreadsheet" that allows you to graphically create and manipulate data and equations. GoldSim moves beyond spreadsheets, however, by making it much easier for you to evaluate how systems evolve over time, and predict their future behavior.
Graphical, Object-Oriented Interface
You build a model in an intuitive manner by literally drawing a picture (an influence diagram) of your system:

Represent Uncertainty Using Probabilistic Simulation
GoldSim has powerful probabilistic simulation features to quantitatively represent the inherent variability and uncertainty present in all real-world systems. This allows you to realistically evaluate how systems are likely to change and evolve over time in order to compare alternative designs, plans and policies, minimize risks and make better decisions in an uncertain world.

Other Key Features
GoldSim is the product of over 25 years of development and has been used by organizations worldwide for a wide variety of applications. As such, it has a large number of powerful and flexible features, including the ability to:
- Superimpose the occurrence and consequences of discrete events onto continuously varying systems.
- Build top-down models using hierarchical containers that facilitate the simulation of large, complex systems while keeping them easy to understand and navigate.
- Insert graphics, notes and hyperlinks (to documents, websites, and presentations) in order clearly explain your model to diverse audiences.
- Create custom designed graphical interfaces (called dashboards) to explain and demonstrate your models using the GoldSim Dashboard Authoring Module.
- Optimize your dynamic simulation models by finding the values of decision variables that produce the optimal results.
- Carry out sensitivity analyses (e.g., tornado charts, statistical measures) to identify the parameters that have the most impact on your model.
- Save your models as player files that anyone can view and run using GoldSim Player (a free download).
- Utilize powerful extension modules (e.g., for financial modeling, reliability analysis, mass transport modeling) to address problems that can't be adequately represented using simple simulation approaches.
- Dynamically link to external programs, spreadsheets and databases.
Learn More
- If you are new to simulation, check out an overview of basic simulation concepts
- View some screen shots to see what a GoldSim model looks like
- Take the GoldSim Quick Tour (15 minute guided tour)
- View a list of Frequently Asked Questions about GoldSim's features
- Read a Comparison to other simulation approaches
- Read an Excerpt from the GoldSim User's Guide
- See how others are using GoldSim