Long-Term Planning for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel in South Korea
Nuclear power accounts for nearly 30% of the electrical power consumption in South Korea. This results in a signficant amount of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF). To manage this, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) used GoldSim to develop an "integration model" that predicts the generation, storage, transport, shipping, reprocessing and disposal of SNF and associated wastes over the course of the next 100 years.
The model is designed to evaluate various options including: constructing a repository for SNF and high-level waste, storing SNF at reactor sites or at centralized storage facilities, or using offshore or domestic SNF reprocessing facilities. It enables researchers to ask “what if” questions by evaluating various scenarios and determining the short and long-term implications. This innovative approach enables stakeholders, engineers and researchers to rapidly evaluate possible options and communicate their findings to all necessary personnel.
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Case Study: South Koreans Develop 100-Year Plan for Managing Spent Nuclear Fuel