Academic & Research Licenses

GoldSim Versions for Students, Teachers, Professors and Academic Researchers

Because we feel GoldSim is such a powerful and flexible tool, and because some of our best feedback and suggestions for improving GoldSim come from students, researchers, and teachers, we provide GoldSim to teachers and students at no cost, and to academic researchers at a significantly reduced price. 

To date, GoldSim is being used at over 200 academic institutions in nearly 40 countries worldwide.

GoldSim Academic

GoldSim Academic licenses are free to qualified individuals and offer the same powerful features as GoldSim except that models built using GoldSim Academic are limited to 500 elements or less (GoldSim is unlimited). GoldSim Academic includes all the GoldSim modules. GoldSim Academic does not include basic support but you can join our User Forum to read other's questions and submit your own questions. GoldSim Academic licenses have a limited duration (typically 6 months), but can be renewed.

Restrictions and Terms

  • Academic licenses are intended to be used for teaching and internally funded student research and projects (typically using departmental funds) at non-profit academic institutions.
  • Academic licenses are not intended for private or government research institutions or for "externally funded" research (i.e., sponsored research projects or research carried out by staff) at academic institutions. If you wish to use GoldSim on these types of research projects, you would need to purchase either a GoldSim Research or GoldSim commercial license.
  • Academic licenses cannot be used for consulting or other commercial purposes.
  • If GoldSim Academic is used to generate results which are published, we request that the GoldSim Technology Group be acknowledged in the paper (and informed of the publication).
  • If you are an instructor, and are using GoldSim in a substantial manner after four months, then we request that you create a link to, anchored to the text phrase "Monte Carlo simulation software". By "substantial", we mean using GoldSim actively in your teaching or research.
  • To renew an Academic license, we ask that you provide a brief description of how you have been using GoldSim, and maintain a link back to GoldSim from your website (if you have one).
  • GoldSim Academic does not include technical support (although some support may be available via our User Forum).
  • GoldSim Academic standalone licenses cannot be used on virtual machines.

Request a Free Academic License


If you are an instructor or professor, please fill out the GoldSim Academic Application Form for Instructors.

Generally, we ask each student to request a license. They must provide the contact information for the instructor/professor (using the link below), and must use an email account associated with the academic institution. However, we can also set up a site license for a student lab (e.g., a network license). If you have a large number of students who will need licenses and would prefer to set up a site license for a student lab, please contact us.


If you are a student and your instructor has asked you to obtain a copy of GoldSim, please fill out the GoldSim Academic Application Form for Students. Note that you must provide the contact information for the instructor/professor, and must use an email account associated with your academic institution.

GoldSim Research

GoldSim Research licenses are available in the form of an annual lease. Research licenses are provided at a significant discount to qualified academic researchers (more than a 60% discount off the commercial lease price).   It offers the same powerful features as GoldSim Pro with no feature limitations whatsoever. GoldSim Research also includes technical support

If you are a researcher and wish to evaluate GoldSim, you can request a fully functional evaluation version to see if it meets your needs.

Restrictions and Terms

  • Research licenses are intended to be used by faculty at academic institutions for use on research projects. They are not intended for use by private or government-sponsored research laboratories and institutions.
  • Research licenses cannot be used for consulting or other commercial purposes. If you wish to use GoldSim on these types of projects, you would need to purchase a commercial license.

Lease a Research License

If you meet the above qualifications and wish to lease a Research License, please visit the Purchase GoldSim page.